Press Release
HARV 81 Group joins Wine in Moderation in unique partnership14.01.2025
Vinos de Chile presents the implementation of Wine in Moderation in WiM Day webinar05.02.2024
Wine in Moderation presents Responsible Service Training at the Barcelona Wine Week25.01.2024
Wine in Moderation present at the Barcelona Wine Week for second consecutive year25.01.2024
Wine Paris & Vinexpo Paris welcomes Wine in Moderation with a stand for the first time18.12.2023
Don't overdo it! - ACIBEV's new "Wine in Moderation 2023" campaign12.12.2023
Positive balance of the FIVIN training plan on moderate wine consumption for future professionals in catering and gastronomy30.11.2023
Ruffino's journey as a Wine in Moderation Ambassador Company: promoting responsible drinking27.11.2023
Vin & Société, promoting responsible drinking: the success of a day-to-day commitment