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Le ultime notizie di Wine in Moderation
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Promoting responsible drinking: ACIBEV takes Wine in Moderation message to Lisbon's annual wine fairs

Promoting responsible drinking: ACIBEV takes Wine in Moderation message to Lisbon's annual wine fairs

As part of its commitment to the Wine in Moderation Programme and the National Alcohol and Health Forum, ACIBEV took part in Lisbon's two annual wine fairs Vinhos e Sabores and Essência do Vinho Lisboa to raise consumer awareness of the importance of moderation and the dangers of drink-driving.

Under the message "If you drink, don't drive!" ACIBEV joined forces with the National Road Safety Authority (ANSR) to educate over 1’700 visitors about the inherent risks associated with driving under the influence of alcohol. This proactive engagement included the administration of 1,255 breathalyser tests, revealing values ranging from 0 to 2.11 g/l. In addition, 456 driving simulations were conducted, vividly illustrating the potential effects of driving under the influence of alcohol at various blood alcohol concentration (BAC) levels.

At these events, ACIBEV distributed approximately 1’700 leaflets conveying messages on the importance to enjoy wine moderately. Attendees also received promotional materials such as pens and key rings featuring the distinctive Wine in Moderation logo, serving as tangible reminders of the importance of responsible wine consumption.