Consorzio DOC Delle Venezie includes Wine in Moderation at annual conference

Consorzio DOC Delle Venezie organised its third annual conference on 25-26 October at the beautiful Castle of Udine, around the theme of Pinot Grigio Delle Venezie, including materials and information about Wine in Moderation.
The aim of the conference was to present and discuss different aspects related to Pinot Grigio DOC Delle Venezie, its specificities, peculiarities, and the commercial and regulatory challenges and opportunities the product faces today.
On the evening of 25 October, following a Masterclass and wine tasting dedicated to Pinot Grigio DOC Delle Venezie, an aperitif and gala dinner were held, and a space was allocated to Wine in Moderation, with flyers, postcards and gadgets, available to the almost 100 attendees, with the aim to encourage them to learn more about the programme.
As the most recent adhesion to the Wine in Moderation family in Italy, Consorzio DOC Delle Venezie is already very active in including the message of moderation in their activities and participating in the initiatives of Wine in Moderation; and dedicating a space to the programme in their events is something that they are planning to do on a regular basis.