News from the Association
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Nastavení bude uloženo 24 hodin.
Wine in Moderation renews long-standing partnership with the International Federation of Wine and Spirit Journalist and Writers29.08.2024
Wine in Moderation to present digital Responsible Service training tool at 45th World Congress of Vine and Wine25.01.2024
Wine Paris & Vinexpo Paris welcomes Wine in Moderation with a stand for the first time30.11.2023
Ruffino's journey as a Wine in Moderation Ambassador Company: promoting responsible drinking27.11.2023
Vin & Société, promoting responsible drinking: the success of a day-to-day commitment08.11.2023
The Spanish hotel and catering sector and AECOC partner with the Spanish Wine Federation on WiM Day05.11.2023
Promoting responsible drinking: ACIBEV takes Wine in Moderation message to Lisbon's annual wine fairs