Initiatives from Members


The Spanish hotel and catering sector and AECOC partner with the Spanish Wine Federation on WiM Day

 The Spanish hotel and catering sector and AECOC partner with the Spanish Wine Federation on WiM Day

“AECOC”, the association that brings together manufacturers, distributors, and intermediate operators, and “Hospitality of Spain”, the Spanish hotel and catering association signed their adhesion to Wine in Moderation in the frame of the first ever celebration of the WiM Day.

Both organisations have committed to promote responsible actions in the field of digital communication and training on responsible consumption and service.

The Spanish Wine Federation (FEV), coordinator in Spain of the Wine in Moderation program, held on November 8Th the first edition of WiM Day 2023, an initiative promoted by the Wine in Moderation Association, together with Italy and Portugal.

The wine culture means, above all, to know how to say no to excesses, to make every occasion memorable and to enhance the very value of the experience through the wine that is consumed, making each moment a moment to remember. And all these concepts are summarized in the communication campaign that carried the motto "The greatest wine? The one that you’ll remember".

In the case of Spain, the campaign was promoted through social networks, both from the FEV itself, and through the more than 1,200 wineries and organizations affiliated with the program in the country, who joined the initiative with the aim of multiplying the message. Likewise, the FEV promoted new alliances not only with the wine sector itself, but also with the most representative associations of hospitality and distribution around the message and importance of moderate consumption of wine. Specifically, an agreement was reached with the Spanish Wine Interprofessional (OIVE), who promoted the campaign during the week of WiM Day in 'Espacio vino', an event held in Madrid with a large number of cultural activities around wine aimed at consumers.

Likewise, AECOC, the association that brings together manufacturers, distributors and intermediate operators, and Hostelería de España, representing restaurants, bars, cafes and pubs, signed at the headquarters of the FEV their adherence to the Wine in Moderation program. The accession of both organizations also implies a commitment to promote actions in their respective areas of action, both in the field of digital communication and training on consumption and responsible wine service. In the case of AECOC, the agreement involves the inclusion of the Wine in Moderation logo and messages on moderate consumption within its electronic labelling platform Escan QR, which is also interconnected with U-Label, the tool promoted by the European Committee of Wine Companies (CEEV) and promoted in Spain by the FEV.

For its part, the commitment of Hostelería de España is to include in the training offer to its members the specific course on 'Consumption and responsible service of wine' developed within the framework of the Wine in Moderation program and which has had the collaboration of the FEV. This training module will be launched next year, is aimed primarily at professionals from the wine and hospitality sector itself and includes issues related to history and culture of wine, basic knowledge about wine and health or good practices to avoid problems and situations related to abuse.